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27 results found.

Maanta Oo Kale Nabigeena Muxamed scw Muxuu nooga Dardaarmay...
Maanta Oo Kale Nabigeena Muxamed scw Muxuu nooga Dardaarmay? Muxuu la Ooyay? Saxaabada Maxey La Ooyeen?.... ?? Aqriso Qoraal aan ka diyaariyay qudbadii ugu dambeeysay Nabi Maxamed oo aan idin soo koobay... (walaal sii faafi #share garey Qoraalkan, wax la faafiyo waxaa ugu qeer badan Hadalka Nabi Maxamed Scw) • SAXABAADA OO OOYAY ? - Rasuulka SCW maanta oo kale Carafo, wuxuu isugu yeeray dhammaan umadda reer Makka iyo Saxaabada oo idil, isagoo u sheegay in ay tahay markii ugu dambeeysay oo...

Waan akkaan nama rifachissu kana osoo hin dubbisin bira hin...
Waan akkaan nama rifachissu kana osoo hin dubbisin bira hin dabrin → Nabiyyin keenya (saw) wa'ee fatanaa guyya qiyaama hogga dubbatan akkan je'an ~→ Rabbin (sw) guyya qiyaama ilmaan nama hundii egaa wantoota 4 gaaftamee booda kan fatana dabree fi kan kufees deema gara jannnata ajajaman garu osoo jannata hin geenye riqicha (dildila) jahannam gubbarati argamu kan siraax je'amu kan rifeensarra qal'aa kan seyfirra qaraa kan jalli isaa jahannam kan gubbarra dabruun dirqama je'an kan fatana...

⏩ Qajeelfamni koo ajaja Rabbii Tokkicha <Qur'aana> ⏩ karaan...
⏩ Qajeelfamni koo ajaja Rabbii Tokkicha

Ulaagaaleen salaata sagal(9) 1, islaama tahuudha 2, Aqlii q...
Ulaagaaleen salaata sagal(9) 1, islaama tahuudha 2, Aqlii qabaachudha 3, waa addaan beekuudha 4, hasada firra fudhuu(qulqulleeffachuudha) 5, owraa sattaarachuudha. 6, najisa firraa deemsisuudha. 7, karaa qibla achii gara galuudha 8, yeroo salaata seenuudha. 9, niin salaata jedhani niyachuudha.View more on Facebook

THE GRAVE IS CALLING...! LISTEN VERY VERY CAREFULLY! Oh Son Of Adam: I Remembered You Again Today.... Did U Remember Me?? Listen!!! I Am Full Of Darkness So Bring With You The Light Of Salaat. I Am A Place Of Fear So Bring With You The Peace Of Tilawat-E-Quran. I Am Full Of Snakes And Scorpions So Bring With You The Sunnah Of Our Beloved Prophet (S.A.W).. I Am Full Of Fire So Bring WithYou The Tears Fallen From ALLAH's Fear. I Am Full Of Punishment So Bring With You The Reward Of Chari...

It is not trump but king John un and not a king it's the rel...
It is not trump but king John un and not a king it's the religion of people who call me if you love the hands of Allah. Please give thanks to share and share it with everyone who is your and youView more on Facebook

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