yaddanoo dhugaa

Ati cina qama koti anis cina qama keti sin fadha haman du'uu sin jaaladha nan ja'ii na dubbati nan dhadadhu lubbu to anaa fi ati araba fi ilkedha yo tokko kessa irate walin hin bareenu simale addun tun naf hin dhitu simale dhitu naf hin baritu simale tan biraa naf hin tatu  ani siniin dalaga akka ifa batri xiqo sira tura matan arrii baraasa dhugaati walahi

Jaalalti dhugaa shaahida hin feetu

Himata hin sodaatin osuma fibeeytu

Ani siin jaaladha ati hoo akkam jettu

Jaalalti bifaafii zaataan hin mullatu 

Akka lafee qaamaa raajii hin kaafamtu

By #Màfíýá_Leader


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