(AGES OF PROPHETS) 1. Prophet Adam (A.S)-1000 years 2. proph...

(AGES OF PROPHETS) 1. Prophet Adam (A.S)-1000 years 2. prophet Nuhu (A.S) -950 years 3. Prophet shuaibu (A.S)-882 years 4. Prophet saleh (A.S)-586 years 5. Prophet zakkariy (A.S)-207 year 6. Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)-195 years 7. Prophet sulayman (A.S)-150 yrs 8. Prophet ismail (A.S)-137 years 9. Prophet yakubu (A.S)-129 years 10. Prophet musa (A.S)-125 years 11. Prophet ishaq (A.S)-120 years 12. Prophet haruna (A.S)-119 year 13. Prophet yusuf (A.S)-110 years 14. Prophet isah (A.S)-40 years 15. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)-63 years.......... MAY ALLAH BLESS THEM ALL (AMEEN) By abdirahaman Hajii

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